
2020年7月15日,Twitter的许多名人账号遭到黑客袭击;当地时间7月18日,Twitter方面发表声明感到抱歉,并称会与执法部门合作对该事件进行调查 推特设置昵称。
2014年4月4日迹碰,土耳其总理塔伊普·埃尔多安(Tayyip Erdogan)的办公室官员表示,在土耳其宪法法院裁决该国电信主管部门TIB封杀Twitter的行为有违言论自由后,该部门已经撤销了这一禁令推特设置昵称。
The Twitter accounts of major public figures and corporations
including Joe Biden
Barack Obama
Elon Musk
Bill Gates
Jeff Bezos and Apple were hijacked Wednesday
in a stunning show of force by hackers.
Twitter said it was aware of "a security incident" and "taking steps to fix it"
but provided no further information hours after the hack began.
The hack unfolded over the course of several hours
and it appeared that Twitter was only able to stop it by preventing verified accounts from eeting at all – an unprecedented measure.
The messages included the address of a bitcoin wallet whose balance grew rapidly to more than 11 BTC (more than $100
000) as the scam spread. Tweets with similar messages were repeatedly deleted and re-posted by some of the promised accounts over the course of Wednesday afternoon.
While the motives and source of the attack are not yet known
the coordinated hijacking of the verified munications streams of world leaders
celebrities and major corporate accounts was a frightening prospect. Twitter has bee a de facto wire service for the world and is used for official munications by governments during emergencies; a hack on the scale of Wednesday's attack could have been more disruptive or even dangerous.
"The amount of damage this could cause is very high
" said Douglas Schmidt
a puter science professor at Vanderbilt University. "These people could hold information gleaned from the hack for ransom in the future."
Twitter issued a statement approximately 90 minutes after scam messages began being sent out by Musk's and Gates' accounts
as the attack was ongoing.
"We are aware of a security incident impacting accounts on Twitter
" the pany said on Twitter. "We are investigating and taking steps to fix it. We will update everyone shortly."
The pany subsequently warned that some users would be unable to eet or change their passwords as it worked to address the issue. The pany appeared to be blocking verified users
whose accounts feature a blue checkmark to denote that Twitter has confirmed their identities
from eeting.
Twitter's stock price tumbled more than 3% in after hours trading.
The hack probably targeted a vulnerability on Twitter's end rather than those of the individual account holders
said John Ozbay
the chief executive of the privacy and security tool Cryptee. Most high-profile users probably engage o-factor authentication
Ozbay said
and the hackers appeared to have enough control over the promised accounts to "pin" a eet. That would not have been possible if a hacked account were being controlled by SMS
as occurred when the Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's own account was hijacked in 2019.
Schmidt said that the attacks could be related to the fact that Twitter
like much of the rest of the tech industry
has transitioned to remote work during the coronavirus pandemic.
"The likelihood of attacks like this increase when people are working remotely it is much easier for bad actors to impersonate someone through an email and gain access to their accounts
" said Schmidt. "Assuming this wasn't someone inside Twitter trying to take revenge
it appears to be a spear phishing attack – someone who has access to admin privileges that can override o-factor authentication and strong passwords fell victim to a hack".
8月1日,策划了比特币世界骗局的疑犯被美国警方抓获,令人震惊的是这名让推特陷入史上最大安全事件,令美国前总统奥巴马、世界首富比尔盖茨、股神巴菲特都中招的 幕后黑手年仅17岁!
在这起比特币骗局中,共包括美国前总统奥巴马在内的45个政商名人推特账号被盗,涉案金额超过10万美元。检察机关对17岁嫌疑人克拉克(Graham Ivan Clark)提出了三十多项重罪指控。
7月15日,世界首富比尔盖茨的一条推特激起千层浪,“每个人都要求我回馈 社会 ,现在就是时候了。只要你向我的电子钱包转账,30分钟内我将以两倍的数额还给你,这个活动只限30分钟内参与!”。
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